Redswan factory is the manufacturer specialized in production of high quality bags and luggage over 15yeas.
Established in Guangzhou in 2005, our company offers an integrated range of service ( product design, development, production, shipping etc) and including the OEM and ODM. My own 2100 square meters of factory is equipped more than 50 machines and the monthly turnout is more than 30000PCS bags.
Our range of products includes fashion bag, vogue handbag, trend shoulder bag, travel bag, backpack, laptop bag, sport bag, messenger bag, jute bag, camouflage bag, wallet and belt etc.
In past years, we have successfully delivered our products to:
1. Corporations with international brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Dockers, Nautica, CK etc.
2. Department stores and mass retailers, including Tezentis, Izod, Blauer etc.
3. Importers from around the world like Billy belt, Nordlicht.
4. Promotional customers, like Mancini
Redswan company has passed Audits of technical, ethical and social, BSCI etc.
1. Design team of over 5 years fashion designing experiences.
2. Development team of over 8 years developing experiences.
3. Production workers of 10 years developing experiences.
4. Quality control of from raw materials, semi-finish production to finish production.
5. Shipping department of rich shipping resources to ship on time.
6. After-sales service department of positive to solve any problems
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